Today we watched this video to be clear about the "Critiquing Process". It is a primary school context, but shows how feedback and advice can be used to improve our work.
Over the next few days, we need to have our first draft ready to be critiqued:
Share this with an adult (parents, tutor, etc.). Ask them what they think you need to improve on. Was there anything that was unclear?
Act on this advice...
By Monday next week, have this draft ready. Share with a peer (someone else in this class). The peer needs to tell you the things they really like about your work, as well as giving some advice. They may also challenge how reliable your sources are (using the CRAAP Test).
Act on this advice...
Before Friday next week, have a draft ready to share with Mr Nicoll. You will be given an indication of the NCEA level he expects it is at. If you are aiming for a higher grade, this is the time to get advice, "What is else do I need to to get a better grade?". If you are happy with that indicative grade, Mr Nicoll will tell you the strengths of your report that have got you at that level.
Act on this advice...
From Friday next week, we will record any speeches that need doing. Those doing non-verbal submissions will need to hand these in on this Friday.
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