Thursday, 18 June 2015

Spring Experiment - Science Ideas

In our discussion, we need to talk about the scientific ideas that led to the results we observed:

We also discussed how we would write this up if we were looking at an experiment involving movement. For example, what if we kept the mass the same but stretched the spring more each time, then timed how long it took to stop bouncing?

In this theoretical experiment, we are adding more EPE by stretching the spring more. This is transformed into EK. It stops bouncing because the EK is transformed into heat (and a little sound) by the force of friction.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Rugby Kicking Investigation

We are starting to prepare for an Internal Assessment where we have to design a Fair Test, carry it out, record results, graph our results, and assess our own method/results.

We started learning about Fair Tests and controlling variables with an investigation looking at the relationship between the angle we kick a rugby ball and how far that ball will travel before bouncing.

At the end of the investigation, we found there were some problems. There was too small range of angles and too many other variables. Therefore, we tried modelling the science behind the idea using little mechanical launchers:

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Graphing Relationships

Whenever we collect data where we are looking at the effect of changing a condition/variable (independent variable) on something else (dependent variable), we call this a relationship. Graphs provide a really quick, accurate way of summarising the relationship.

In our Rugby Investigation, we are looking at the effect of changing the kick angle on the distance the ball travels. This is a relationship, so we need to be able to graph it.

The data in the image below was taken from an online experiment looking at Hooke's Law (the effect of mass on the extension of a spring). We need to apply the lessons learned from this to our Rugby Investigation (and, eventually, to our Internal Assessment).

This is a very long video. The idea is for you to skip to the section you are working on or struggling with. Do not sit down and watch the whole thing at once!